Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fear not to pay the price of change (letter to friend )

After the events of 1st Jan 2011, I wrote this to friend who was concerned about the future of our country – I thought it worth sharing after the Tunisians have awaken up us with their desire to change and their readiness to pay the price with not fear.

My dear friend,

Nothing free in our world dear.
Precious things come at high price, and in some cases it may cost lives. Change costs, The question is does it worth to give life in return of desired change?
When the change is huge, it is not about paying little bit extra to make it reality. When the needed change in reality is fundamental, i.e. the existing one is no longer working and adjustments will not suffice to transform it into the new reality. Then, the only way forward, is a Rebirth of Reality and a whole new start from scratch, I.e. The old reality must die and new one must be born. The death of old reality will not be bloodless and the blood shed to make it happen will in fact baptize the new reality and give it new name and nature.
Our world reality today is the result of many small and big sacrifices of the generations before us. Some people prefer to be always even, give as much as they take. Others might take or give more. Few ones give everything in return of better reality for the coming generations.
My friend, I think the time now is calling for a whole new reality and our destiny is to be the generation who give more or in fact give all for the better future of our loved ones. This is not new story in the history books, it was written many times before but with different names. If we fail to stand up to the mission we have before us today, we will make it harder for those who come after us and our names will be forgotten.
Blood will not be spilled in aimless acts of violence or vengeance but will be spilled in legitimate endeavors to change reality and confronting the oppression. While no one wishes to go for war, it is legitimate in some cases to go for war when it is only way to return own rights.
I'm not advocating blind violence or vengeance, but I am stressing that fear has no place now in our lives while we pursue all legitimate ways to get our rights, we should not fear loss of material things and in extreme cases our lives ...
The only fear I see now, is the fear that we are not ready to be fearless. We should ready ourselves in all ways to be fearless before it is too late to fully capture the opportunity OR else we will lose our lives in vain with our weakened hearts.


M. Habib


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